Server Application Solutions – Don’t Let Spreadsheets Hold Your Business Back

The problems and limitations of spreadsheet-based systems are well documented. That’s why we at Denizon have come up with ways to give you freedom from these UDAs (User Developed Applications). With the server application solutions we offer, your IT and financial system can be:

Totally devoid of spreadsheet risks

By getting rid of spreadsheets, you also get rid of broken links, incomplete range selections, accidental deletion of cells, incorrect copy-pasting and other spreadsheet-related slip-ups.

In their place, we offer a faster but more robust and reliable centralised system. Errors are substantially minimised by built-in controls, while inconsistencies are avoided because changes made by one user are automatically reflected on the data delivered to others.

Built-in business-critical controls

Some solutions are designed to add control features on spreadsheets. We believe that such features can only be truly effective in today?s fast-paced and dynamic business environment if they are already inherent in the design of the IT solution; not something that’s merely added as an afterthought.

For one, while these band-aid solutions may succeed in adding controls, they don’t get rid of the slow, tedious, and time-consuming processes that accompany spreadsheet systems.

Less prone to fraud

Weak controls and the absence of reliable audit trails are two factors that encourage fraudsters to prey on spreadsheet systems.

With our server-based applications solutions, your data is protected by user-based access controls that allow users to see only the information that they’re supposed to see and modify data which they have been granted sufficient access rights to.

Our solutions also produce clear audit trails for painless tracking, viewing and searching of user-entered changes. This will enable you to pinpoint who changed what, as well as where and when the changes were made.

Ready for regulatory compliance and beyond

When better controls are enforced, financial reports become more reliable. That should give your company the edge it needs to easily comply with SOX as well as other regulations and, as a consequence, build stakeholder confidence.

And because our solutions can churn out accurate reports for regulation compliance at shorter turnaround times than spreadsheet systems, you end up saving more man-hours. That should give your team more time to innovate, analyse information and deliver goods or services to your customers faster.

Designed for agility

Let’s face it. Spreadsheets, which used to serve as nifty ad-hoc business tools, are no longer suitable for agile organisations. When faced with the demands of rapidly changing markets and dynamic environments, spreadsheets can instead slow a business down.

Multi-dimensional reports, dashboards, report filters, drill-downs, collaboration and automated reporting, budgeting and forecasting capabilities are needed for gaining insights and making fast critical decisions.

Sad to say, your trusty spreadsheet application is not designed to provide these features. Hence, it’s time to move on to the type of solutions that are.

Our solutions can transform your IT and financial systems and make them better-equipped to meet the demands of today?s rapidly changing economic environment. With features designed for agile businesses, our solutions can help you tackle change with ease.

Automatic consolidation eliminates errors and wasted time caused by tedious copy-pasting of data and linking of cells.

Better collaboration capabilities allows team members to bring their heads together for planning, budgeting and reporting even while on the go.

Mobility support enables users to input data or retrieve information through their wireless mobile devices.

Superior sharing features ensures that everyone is exactly on the same page and viewing real-time information.

Dashboards provide insightful information at-a-glance through KPIs, graphs and various metrics.

Drill-downs enable users to investigate unusual figures and gain a better understanding of the details that contribute to the big picture.

Easy to learn interfaces allow your organisation to cope with fast personnel turnaround or Mergers & Acquisitions.

More Spreadsheet Blogs

Spreadsheet Risks in Banks

Top 10 Disadvantages of Spreadsheets

Disadvantages of Spreadsheets – obstacles to compliance in the Healthcare Industry

How Internal Auditors can win the War against Spreadsheet Fraud

Spreadsheet Reporting – No Room in your company in an age of Business Intelligence

Still looking for a Way to Consolidate Excel Spreadsheets?

Disadvantages of Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet woes – ill equipped for an Agile Business Environment

Spreadsheet Fraud

Spreadsheet Woes – Limited features for easy adoption of a control framework

Spreadsheet woes – Burden in SOX Compliance and other Regulations

Spreadsheet Risk Issues

Server Application Solutions – Don’t let Spreadsheets hold your Business back

Why Spreadsheets can send the pillars of Solvency II crashing down





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Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive ? Orientation

Following in-depth discussion of the UK?s ESOS response, we decided to backtrack to the source, especially since every EU member is facing similar challenges. The core purpose of the directive is to place a pair of obligations on member states. These are

  1. To promote the availability of energy audits among final customers in all sectors, and;
  2. To ensure that enterprises that are not SMEs carry out energy audits at least every four years.

Given the ability for business to look twice at every piece of legislation it considers unproductive, the Brussels legislators took care to define what constitutes an enterprise larger than an SME.

Definition of a Large Undertaking

A large undertaking meets one or both of the following conditions:

  1. It employs 250 or more people
  2. Its annual turnover is more than ?50 million and its balance sheet total exceeds ?43 million

Rules for Energy Audits

If accredited / qualified in-house specialists are unavailable then independent experts should supervise audits. The talent shortage seems common to many EU businesses. In hindsight, the Union could have ramped up slower, especially since the first compliance date of 5 December 2015 does not leave much swing room.

ecoVaro doubts there was a viable alternative, given the urgent imperative to beat back the scourge of carbon that is threatening the viability of our planet. The legislators must have been of a similar mind when laying down the guidelines. Witness for example the requirement that penalties be ?effective, proportionate and dissuasive?.

In order to be compliant, an energy audit must

  1. Be based on twelve months of verifiable data that is
    • over a continuous period beginning no more than 24 months before the beginning of the energy audit, and;
    • identifies energy saving opportunities including paths to their achievement
  2. Analyse the participant’s energy consumption and energy efficiency
  3. Have not been used as the basis for an energy audit in a previous compliance period

Measurement of current status and progress tracing are at the core of energy saving and good governance generally. EcoVaro has a powerhouse of software tools available on the cloud to help project teams save time and money.

2015 ESOS Guidelines Chapter 1 ? Who Qualifies

The base criteria are any UK undertaking that employs more than 250 people and/or has a turnover in excess of ?50 million and/or has a balance sheet total greater than ?43 million. There is little point in attempting to separate off high polluting areas. If one corporate group qualifies for ESOS, then all the others are obligated to take part too. The sterling equivalents of ?38,937,777 and ?33,486,489 were set on 31 December 2014 and apply to the first compliance period.

Representatives of Overseas Entities

UK registered branches of foreign entities are treated as if fully UK owned. They also have to sign up if any overseas corporate element meets the threshold no matter where in the world. The deciding factor is common ownership throughout the ESOS system. ecoVaro appreciates this. We have seen European companies dumping pollution in under-regulated countries for far too long.

Generic Undertakings that Could Comply

The common factor is energy consumption and the organisation’s type of work is irrelevant. The Environmental Agency has provided the following generic checklist of undertakings that could qualify:

Limited CompaniesPublic CompaniesTrusts
PartnershipsPrivate Equity CompaniesLimited Liability Partnerships
Unincorporated AssociationsNot-for-Profit BodiesUniversities (Per Funding)

Organisations Close to Thresholds

Organisations that come close to, but do not quite meet the qualification threshold should cast their minds back to previous accounting periods, because ESOS considers current and previous years. The exact wording in the regulations states:

?Where, in any accounting period, an undertaking is a large undertaking (or a small or medium undertaking, as the case may be), it retains that status until it falls within the definition of a small or medium undertaking (or a large undertaking, as the case may be) for two consecutive accounting periods.?

Considering the ?50,000 penalty for not completing an assessment or making a false or misleading statement, it makes good sense for close misses to comply.

Joint Ventures and Participative Undertakings

If one element of a UK group qualifies for ESOS, then the others must follow suit with the highest one carrying responsibility. Franchisees are independent undertakings although they may collectively agree to participate. If trusts receive energy from a third party that must do an ESOS, then so must they. Private equity firms and private finance initiatives receive the same treatment as other enterprises. De-aggregations must be in writing following which separated ESOS accountability applies.

Implementing Matrix Management

Matrix management is a culture change. More than the hierarchical structures, lines of responsibilities, modes of communication and channels of decision-making, it is a concept that needs to be planned ahead and managed appropriately over time.

Implementing matrix management to any organization can be confusing. It is essential to ensure that it fits right to your business strategies, skills and competencies. With this, realizing matrix management should not be taken lightly. Careful stages should be considered, instead.

Here are the steps to proper implementation of matrix management:

Consider Your Business Context

You need to evaluate your organisation to analyse what are your development needs with regards to skills, products, services and market environment. This will help you decide on what type of matrix structure you will apply in your organisation. Consider the following questions in building up your context:

  • What is our strategy?
  • Where are the demands in our business?
  • What are the structures that our competitors currently employ?
  • What are the talents that my people possess?
  • What are other business organizations doing?

Set Your Implementation Scope

Next, you need to define the parameter and set the scope of your implementation. What area in your business do you think matrix management will successfully work? There are several things that you need to consider in setting your scope. You have to make sure that it works well with your overall business strategies, that it can be excellently communicated and easily understood. Also, you must ensure that you acquire the necessary talents and skills in the business to deliver the new system of responsibilities.

Implement the New Structure

When you have already decided what structure type you will implement, you are ready to give it a go. You will need to establish new communication channels so you can monitor the progress and receive feedback effectively.

Here?s how to apply the matrix structure:

  • Highlight your development needs
  • Define roles based on outputs and not inputs
  • Line up procedures and systems to support the structure and the behaviour that comes with it.
  • Invest in training and development
  • Support the key people in the structure by coaching them to better adapt in changes
  • Communicate regularly
  • Monitor progress and make necessary adjustments

Review the Matrix Structure, Roles and Responsibilities

Organisations that successfully implement matrix management adapt to the changes in their environment. With this, they do regular evaluations to highlight the need for changes and revisions. The review can either focus on the structure only or to the entire process as a whole. The results can alter the structure, the roles involved and the responsibilities taken.

The process of implementing matrix management follows a step-by step method. Each stage is equally important with the rest. Hence, if you plan to exploit it in your organisation, you have to recognise the purpose of each step and follow it appropriately. Balance is the key. And when you achieve stability in matrix management, amidst the complex changes in the world of business, then your organisational success is just around the corner.

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